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Cafetalk Support Contact List

If you have any concerns or are experiencing any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Most of our staff members work from Japan, but we also have staff in South Korea, Taiwan, Italy, Canada, Indonesia, and Sweden, providing multilingual support to users around the world over a wide range of time zones.

If you have any concerns, problems, or questions, please do not hesitate to chat with us

Please send us a message via live chat on the bottom right of our website.

Instead of an AI or bot, our staff members will ask you about your situation in detail and offer assistance.

If you want a response by email, please use our inquiry form.

For issuing a certificate of completion, or canceling a lesson pack in progress, please use the inquiry form for easier communication.

If you would like to schedule a counseling session

If you have any questions or concerns about online learning, or would like to test Skype/Zoom applications, we offer a free counseling session (25 minutes) by appointment.