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Adding a Tutor to Your Favorites List

My Tutors

Adding a tutor to your favorites list "bookmarks" them so that they're easier to find later on. You can access your "My Tutors" list by logging into your dashboard, clicking "Favorites," then clicking on "My Tutors."

My Tutors
My Tutors

How to add a tutor to your favorites list

1. Go to the tutor’s profile

Clicking on the “ Favorite” button from the tutor’s profile page is the easiest way to save a tutor to your “My Tutors” list.

After you add the tutor, the button will change to “ Favorite”. This way, you will be able to recognize which tutors you have already added.

2. Checking tutors that you’ve added

Go to your dashboard, and click on “Favorites”

From here, you can check the tutors you have added.

3. Removing Tutors

You can block tutors by going into your "My Tutors" list and clicking on the that appears when you hover over the tutors name.